Amiram Ganz

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Amiram Ganz

Violino / Violin: 03/09 – 08/09

Nato a Montevideo, ha vinto il 1° premio del concorso delle “Jeunesses Musicales” all’età di 11 anni e da allora è cominciata la sua carriera solistica in Uruguay ed altri paesi della America Latina. Ha studiato al Conservatorio ‘Tchaikovsky’ di Mosca con Viktor Pikaisen, allievo e successore di David Oistrakh. Nel 1977 si aggiudica il 4° premio al Concorso internazionale ‘Long-Thibaud’ (Parigi). Nel 1979 diventa 1° violino solista nell’Orchestra Filarmonica di Strasburgo. Con questa ed altre orchestre ha suonato come solista i grandi concerti del repertorio, di Beethoven e fino a Berg, Shostakovich e Bartok. A partire dal 1994 fa parte del Trio Altenberg di Vienna – trio in residence al Musikverein di Vienna, oltre all’importante carriera internazionale. Per l’incisione dell’opera integrale di Schumann il trio ha ottenuto il premio del museo Schumann di Zwickau; il CD ‘Piano trios from America’ è stato premiato con il ‘Edison Award’ della critica Olandese. Amiram Ganz insegna musica da camera al Conservatorio di Vienna. Tiene anche numerose Master classes in diversi paesi europei.

Born in Montevideo, he won the 1st prize of the “Jeunesses Musicales” competition at the age of 11 and since then he has started his solo career in Uruguay and other Latin American countries. He studied at the ‘Tchaikovsky’ Conservatory in Moscow with Viktor Pikaisen, pupil and successor of David Oistrakh. In 1977 he won the 4th prize at the ‘Long-Thibaud’ international competition (Paris). In 1979 he became 1st solo violin in the Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra. With this and other orchestras he played as a soloist the great concerts of the repertoire, of Beethoven and up to Berg, Shostakovich and Bartok. Since 1994 he has been part of the Altenberg Trio in Vienna – a trio in residence at the Musikverein in Vienna, in addition to his important international career. For the recording of Schumann’s complete work, the trio won the prize of the Schumann museum in Zwickau; the ‘Piano trios from America’ CD was honored with the Dutch critic’s ‘Edison Award’. Amiram Ganz teaches chamber music at the Vienna Conservatory. He also holds numerous Master classes in different European countries.

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